Saturday, December 24, 2005

Two out of ten done.

I decided to cheat a little.

I intend to give 5 frames each to two friends. But I didn't think I could finish them all in time. Yesterday I spent all day on the construction aspects. All the pennies are drilled and frames fitted together. Every frame is sanded to 220 grit and they look and feel great.

But there isn't time to stain and finish all 10 frame sets, so I focused on 2 of them. I have stained and finished these and they will be ready for final assembly and wrapping tonight. Then, tomorrow I can give a gift to 1 frame to each of my friends with the promise of 4 more to follow soon.

The first finished frame.

Back of the second finished frame.

Splined corners for strength.

Eight more to finish.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Looks good - were you able to finish everything on time?

At 5:26 AM, Blogger Tim B. said...

I finished 2 out of 10. Those were wrapped and delivered with the promise of the other 8 as soon as possible.

The ladies were absolutely thrilled.


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